zaterdag 20 februari 2016

Where on Google Earth #531

Welcome to my blog that I created for participating in the 'Where on Google Earth' game. This is the contest for location #531.

Find out where the location is and leave the exact position, give an indication of the geological significance of the area. In this case I guess I have to use Schott rule because I think it is fairly easy.

If you're the first with the correct answer you'll be the host to the next contest.

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Mount Eiger and the town/city of Wengen.

    Mount Eiger is the site of many rockfalls and landslides. Many climbers have been killed making the ascent up to the summit.

  2. Right, Adrew.

    Don't know if it is significant enough since I'm not a geologist. Further information:

    Personaly I was stunned by it's reputation when I watched a direct emission in 1999 reporting a live ascent on German television.

  3. Contest 532 is at
