zaterdag 2 april 2016

Where on Google Earth #551

In WoGE #550 Andrew took us back to his country where a mudslide in 2014 blocked the Trans-Canada Highway a third consecutive time since 2007 close to East Gate on Heather Mountain.The pre-historic landslide was reactivated in 1997 along pre-historic fault lines.

WoGE #551 doesn't show a landslide. It is up to you to answer the question where the shown picture can be found and to provide us with geological information of what we are looking at. The first one to provide us with the good answer will be the host to the next WoGE.

Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. 17°16'8.26"N, 21°12'58.37"E. Edge of the Ennedi Plateu, Chad.

    The Ennedi Plateu is a sandstone bulwark in the middle of the Sahara. It is assailed by the sands on all sides, that encroach the deep valleys of the Ennedi. Only the caravans manage to cross it and this makes the region an area subject to multiple influences. The landscape has structures like towers, pillars, bridges and arches. They are a great attraction for tourists.

    I do not know of anything of special interest in this specific location, though. The nearest crocodile is 80km away. ;)

  2. You've got it, Ole! I thought that the features like those towers, pillars, bridges and arches were geological interesting... But, it's your turn!

  3. I might have gone for the crocodiles, or maybe one of the elephants - but anyway, here is WoGE #552:

  4. Okay, I'm just a tourist who never visited the spot. ;-)
