Where on Google Earth #553
Ole led us into a geological mess in WoGE #552. The mess confused me enough to take a picture shot by another tourist as a reference to the identity of the shown terrestrial clutter. Felix was relieved not having to draw the map of the puzzle and I was relieved, after a long search, to have found the exact location. Finally I could go to bed in peace with myself, although I was a bit concerned about the fact that my touristic nature was exposed.
Happily, Ole didn't make this WoGE TOO easy. If I'll ever get there in my dreams I'll be sure to have my camera with me to take some beautiful shots. ;-)
Still I'm not sure about the fault lines. I don't know if the Zihab - Grammar is one fault line or if it contents of two fault lines. Surely it it is a messy accommodation zone between two trust faults close to or on the Eyvanekey Plateau in the northern part of Iran.
One thing I'm sure about: the next WoGE is not a big puzzle...
Rules, tips and previous WoGEs are collected by Felix on his blog and a KML file is available with all WoGEs.
This location is the White Pocket portion of the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument near the Arizona/Utah border.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenhttp://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/03/white-pocket-vermilion-cliffs-national.html tells us that the entire area is covered in a gray rocky layer, sometimes only a few centimeters thick, above the red sandstone where the formations heave and drip that makes the entire landscape look like as if it was covered with icing sugar. In some spots the stone layers are completely twisted, just like an enormous marble cake.
The extraordinary geology at White Pocket is not easily explained. Some geologist proclaim that White Pocket is a result of “soft sediment deformation”, meaning the contortions and twisting and turning at White Pocket occurred back in Jurassic time while the sand was saturated and before the sand was completely turned into rock.
According to one retired petroleum geologist Marc Deshowitz, who studied White Pocket more than anyone else, believes the landscape was the result of a huge sand-slide mass, triggered by an earthquake, detaching from a tall dune and traveling rapidly downslope. As the mass slid and tumbled downslope, it ripped up chunks of laminated sand beneath that intermixed with the basal part of the slide. The sand mass eventually filled a large pond or oasis. This large sand mass is the featureless bleached-white sandstone or "cauliflower rock" seen today. The instantaneous loading from the sand mass caused pressure adjustments within the underlying saturated sand resulting in contortions and fluid escape structures such as sand volcanoes. Marc has identified at least 25 of these features supporting his theory.
36.96N 111.90W
I say: perfectly right! you're next!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenContest #554 is right here: http://woge-locations.blogspot.ca/2016/04/where-on-google-earth-554.html